Welcome to the New Levels Coaching Podcast. As coaches we want to share our knowledge and expertise with the running, triathlon and endurance sports community.

Each week, our host Lewis Moses, former Team GB International Athlete turned Coach, will be joined by a special guest and together they will aim to educate and inspire our audience to help them find their own potential. We want people to listen, engage, take the best bits and LITERALLY RUN WITH THEM!


In episode 21 Lewis is joined by Doug Stewart, who is a coach himself and is currently undertaking a PHD at Loughborough University, looking specifically at remote coaching. Doug recently had a number of athletes racing in TransGranCanaria, where his trail and ultra athletes faced brutally hot conditions. Despite this, the runners from the Elite Trail Team: https://www.elitetrailteam.com/ performed brilliantly and this could be partly to do with some of the heat mitigation strategies Doug carefully planned out before they travelled to Gran Canaria. 

With this in mind, both Lewis and Doug chat about the challenges athletes face in warmer climates, what happens to the body and what we can do about it. Specifically they look at pre-race preparation and trying to prepare the body for the heat, cooling strategies right before the race, as well as during the race itself.

Doug and the team have shared their strategies on the Elite Trail Team website and you can have a read here: https://www.elitetrailteam.com/resources/heat-mitigation-strategies

We hope you enjoy the episode, be sure to leave us any feedback as we would love to hear from our amazing community and don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to the New Levels Coaching Podcast. 

Website: www.newlevelscoaching.co.uk

In addition, if you want to read more about Doug’s research into Relative energy deficiency in sport and the role of ultra running coaches according to two female ultra runners, you can find the link here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17479541231179301

Doug also has his own online coaching company and should you wish to find out more details you can do so here: https://www.tmrcoaching.com/

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